...for posterity's sake. i had always considered it very strange to publish your thoughts online for all to see. after all, who cares? and then, as i was feeding my daughter, i realized - she might. so, here goes...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

injured reserve

last night i was so certain that i was going to be taken to the hospital in the middle of the night that i slept in my clothes. my neck started hurting so quickly and badly that i had diagnosed myself with spinal meningitis. it actually sort of hurt during the day and i tried to ignore it, finally i realize that it is just getting worse and took 4 motrin at 3. then it spiraled out of control. by the time 7 rolled around, my right arm was weak and tingling with numbness. this would be when i officially began to get freaked out. a couple of hours later, i get nauseous. certain death - nevermind the now 8 motrin i have taken on a virtually empty stomach. at 10 i call the doctor's office and speak with a nurse who clearly hasn't seen webmd's schpiel for neck pain with weakness in the arms, tingling/numbness in the arms AND nausea. motrin and heat, if it doesn't feel better in a FEW DAYS(!) then call again.

so now, i am sitting here with this insane neck pain feeling very guilty about being a terrible mother. i can still barely move and can feel the knot of muscles in my neck pulsing when i have to actually get up to prevent bridget from eating all that is paper in this place. the bright side is that this can only get better. when is the question i need answered though. ouch ouch ouch. i can only take so much of this no airconditioning environment for fear of tightening up the baseball in my neck.

oh yeah, it took me 30+ minutes to get up out of bed in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. towards the end i woke up michael and told him i needed help only to tell him not to touch me when he came around to my side of the bed. poor guy.

i will try to refrain from such unabashed whining in the future, its annoying. but this is why there was no post yesterday.


Blogger PeeKay said...

FORGET THE nurse! IN FACT, ALWAYS COME UP WITH THAT extra SYMPTOM THAT WILL GET YOU A VISIT. like a rash spreading across your chest and vomiting. sometimes you gotta spice up the symptoms. although, last time i called the doc, i was sent to the ER with early contractions. GET BETTER SOON!!!

11:08 PM


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