...for posterity's sake. i had always considered it very strange to publish your thoughts online for all to see. after all, who cares? and then, as i was feeding my daughter, i realized - she might. so, here goes...

Sunday, January 07, 2007

pressure vs. motivation

after a good first day of p training, day 2 was a bust. she refused to sit on the potty today. completely. refused. so i said, great, take your time, its your potty. HA! actually, i begged her to sit on the potty, attempted to bribe her with m&ms and pretty much used every mental warfare weapon in my arsenal. as usual, i lost.

when it was finally clear that it wasn't going to happen, i decide to check out the book o's mom gave me last night. toilet training the brazelton way. according to the good doctor B, miss b isn't ready. in fact, she displayed 5 of the 7 signs your child is not ready. and one sign that wasn't a part of the 7, but ought to be. she didn't poop at all yesterday and she didn't until late this afternoon, that must be some sort of sign, right? the strange thing is that she is the one who always wants to sit on the potty.

i'm not sure what to do - so feel free to comment. i am most definitely not going at it full time but i can't decide if i should dabble in it. at this point, i told her that it was her potty and she could use it whenever she wanted - see? i wasn't lying in paragraph 1. we'll see. i'm pretty sure my very stubborn girl will inform me when its going to happen.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your sister just pointed me to your site to find advice with potty training. Er... can you explain the seven Brazelton signs that they are not ready? We are in the midst of this with our twins, and I'm not sure if it's going downhill. I feel lost and weak.

9:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you SO much for going through the trouble of sending me the signs! I thought a sign that your child WAS ready was that they hid in a corner to go. Can you tell how clueless I am??

I think we have passed over a hump over the last day or two. Our daughter seems to be ok with it all, but our son is still a little resistant. However, he hasn't had any accidents. So I'm just taking their lead, and letting them tell me what they want to do.

Anyway, thank you again so much! If they exhibit more signs, I am definitely going to stop.

8:39 AM


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