...for posterity's sake. i had always considered it very strange to publish your thoughts online for all to see. after all, who cares? and then, as i was feeding my daughter, i realized - she might. so, here goes...

Friday, March 09, 2007

back on the dating scene

wednesday marked the start of the second session for miss b's music class. and here i am, as erotp put it, back on the dating circuit. the similarities are uncanny.

step 1 - go to a place that is conducive to meeting people. music together. check.

onto step 2 - checking out the other mothers - she looks normal. oh, but she's already dating that mother. hmmm, what about her? not bad. ooh, look what just walked in the door. nice!

next - making eye contact without appearing too interested or desperate. always easiest if your kid or their kid is doing something cute (the "aww" look) or embarassing (the "i've been there sister" look). yes, you can always hope for love at first sight - i first saw her during kookabura and the rest, as they say, is history. aah. good luck with that one - although its been known to happen.

step 4 - generally the hardest - actual conversation. this isn't easy in the music together environment where they take their music seriously. especially when you have a teacher who doesn't understand that you really aren't in the class for your child's musical development. its for ME, woman! don't you shoot me that "shut the hell up" look! if you are lucky you can squeeze in a "she/he's adorable" and hope for the best.

i've yet to get to the final step which is closing the deal. the playdate. i'm not asking anyone out just yet. its a little too scary for a big old wimp like me. we'll see... the thing is, i do realize that mothers love talking to other mothers. its fascinating and therapeutic and you can talk to a stranger for hours about being a parent. i know this. i'm just new to the scene.

there's more though. when you do finally get that first date, you need to proceed with caution. you run the risk of getting a bully's mother - or worse yet, a wimpy kids mother, a "friends too fast, ut-oh, i don't even like you" mother or even a stalker mother. its a scary angst-ridden world out there. you thought getting married was the end of it, didn't you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you've officially made me want to never go out again. i'd rather be a bitter old maid-mother.

someone is going to start 'speed-dating for mothers' soon. just watch.

3:20 PM

Blogger mary mary said...

oh halfmama, you are right about the speed-dating. but really, i am just kidding. moms are more nice than not, just look at all the funny real mother bloggers out there.

11:56 AM

Blogger PeeKay said...

how about geting back on the bloggin scene. we had a new mommy at our monday playgroup and you better believe i was checking her out for date-ability. she seems cool.

12:53 PM


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