...for posterity's sake. i had always considered it very strange to publish your thoughts online for all to see. after all, who cares? and then, as i was feeding my daughter, i realized - she might. so, here goes...

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

channeling jo frost

today i did something i swore i'd never do. i went to a chiropractor. i am desperate, i tell you. i had decided from some 20/20 or dateline years ago that chiropractors were quacks with no medical training and why would anyone in their right mind let these people mess around with their spine? but there i was, lying on my back with my head and neck making what felt like a hairpin turn as the quack tried to remove my head from my body causing it to crack in a terrifying way. i couldn't even pretend that i wasn't completely shocked and i just shouted out a - HOLY CRAP! followed immediately by an OH MY GOD! mr chiropractor laughed. it really didn't hurt, it was just very scary to me - having seen the 20/20 and all. so he messed around a bit more and then makes the haripin turn facing the other way so now i know what's coming and i have a split second to relax myself because i decided that tensing up in a moment like this could have devastating consequences. the second one felt better, i'll say that much. i have to go back tomorrow, i am already nervous and have plans to ask him not to do the neck thing.

tonight michael and i are going out to dinner with our friends. sans bridget. is sans without? i'm never sure and i will use it and then immediately wonder if i just said with instead of without. i never took french. patti, bean machine and erica did, but not me, i speak spanish and latin. and i still can't shake the brogue from when my cousins were visiting this weekend. its so fun and i firmly believe that bridget responds to my attempts at discipline more when i speak with my version of either a british or irish accent. give it a try, i swear it works.


Blogger PeeKay said...

yes sans is without. avec is with. you might remember a few "AVEC MOI?"s tossed around the halls of ELHS.

11:50 PM


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