...for posterity's sake. i had always considered it very strange to publish your thoughts online for all to see. after all, who cares? and then, as i was feeding my daughter, i realized - she might. so, here goes...

Sunday, February 12, 2006

nap wars

in an effort to break the habit of putting bridget to sleep while sitting IN her room, i've started sitting at the desk that is just outside of her room so that i can try and get something done. she can still check and see that i am here while she dozes off which was the general idea behind sitting and reading in her room. i actually loved sitting in there while she went to sleep. i got to read - a lot - and i got to watch her settle herself down.

the settling down is priceless. it ranges anywhere from kissing all of her animals and having conversations with them, to jumping up and down while holding onto the rail, to banging her head against the wall because she likes the sound, to twirling and ricocheting off of each side of the crib a thousand times, to saying MAMA over and over until she is gradually shouting the word only to drop it back down to her tiny little voice saying 'hi' when i finally give in and say 'yes?' she loves me the most at the end of the day and will give me loads of hugs and kisses from the crib because she knows that i am a sucker for them.

anyway, my point in mentioning this is that i am currently sitting at the desk outside her door sending her off to nap land. she has noticed that her diaper bag is now accessible inside her crib because the door is open so she is rifling through it pulling out diapers and anything else she can get her hands on and holding them high above her head while jumping up and down to proudly show me the contraband. she's good.


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