...for posterity's sake. i had always considered it very strange to publish your thoughts online for all to see. after all, who cares? and then, as i was feeding my daughter, i realized - she might. so, here goes...

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

country bumpkins

okay, okay, i'm back. let's be realistic though, its 2 days before thanksgiving and i'm doubtful that i will be running to the computer to write. you never know though.

so, a lot has happened since i was a good blogger. i'm pregnant again - due date may 10th - and we are buying a house out in the country. bolton, ma. i'm pretty sure that it can't be called the suburbs because the really is no "urb" around so i'm sticking with the country classification. we are very anxious to get in there and get working because its a FIXER UPPER. please note the caps, they are intentional to get across the magnitude of the fixing up. its a little scary but i am very excited to do the work. the pregnancy will put a damper on what i can do until may though.

that's it for now.


Blogger Reid said...

Hey! Congratulations, Mary! You can now join the number of pregnant women that I know that are due this spring. That number (including you) is currently 847.

Congratulations on the house, too. I'm assuming that pulled wires and spackle will probably keep us from hearing from you for a while longer, huh?

8:01 AM


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