...for posterity's sake. i had always considered it very strange to publish your thoughts online for all to see. after all, who cares? and then, as i was feeding my daughter, i realized - she might. so, here goes...

Monday, March 13, 2006

now can you remove the babies jacket also?

as you can see, we survived a week in chicago - and more importantly, the flights to and from chicago. bridget was so perfectly good that i couldn't have asked for anything more. i think that she somehow knew that i was at my breaking point and even the slightest protest from her would have brought me to tears. okay, that's a bit dramatic. it really wasn't bad at all. it was very tiring though.

i am normally really efficient at the check-in/security process and it just isn't possible to be efficient with a 17 month old - or more specifically, with a stroller and a car seat, one pair of hands and a curious 17 month old. when she started crawling for the conveyor belt everyone got a little panicked. i figured it might be the quickest way through but reigned her in anyway. oh yeah, and that basketball in the belly bit again.

i can't begin to tell you how many comments i got on the homemade carseat backpack. people LOVED it. if the pacbak (sp?) didn't exist, i'd be all over it. although that guy needs to get his product into babies r'us or some retail locations. no one has seen it or heard of it and i'm sure its easier to load and unload than the one that we fashioned. i highly recommend it though, they aren't at all heavy or cumbersome when attached to your back.

okay, that's it. dinner is ready. i'm over what was ailing me yesterday - it could have been the 3 hour nap i took today. unheard of.


Blogger PeeKay said...

you aren't 33 anymore. im just sayin...

12:31 PM


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