...for posterity's sake. i had always considered it very strange to publish your thoughts online for all to see. after all, who cares? and then, as i was feeding my daughter, i realized - she might. so, here goes...

Monday, March 12, 2007

happy birthday daddio!

happy birthday to our favorite new 36 year old! he doesn't seem to like this age as he mentioned it at least 5 times over the course of the day. what is it? the backside of our 30s is upon us? i feel like 37, 38 might be harder. then we are officially no longer mid-30s and must start preparing for the big 4-O.

although i don't really care about an age - at least not yet - mostly because i still consider myself anywhere from 18 to 25 most of the time. (i'm sorry but high school could have been yesterday in my crazy head. i could still probably remember my schedule if i had to.) what i do care about - and despise - is the change that age brings to things like your metabolism - but that is a post for a darker day. especially since today was beautiful.

we went outside and picked up twigs for hours. or i should say I picked up twigs for hours. andrew was napping and bridget found a nice rock to sit on and eat her snack. let me tell you, i knew about the obvious maintenance a tree requires and planned on a lifetime of leaf raking misery. what i had no idea about were the twigs. the millions of little twigs that end up on the ground after every windy day, ice storm, snow storm, rain storm and "its just too f'ing cold to hang onto the tree anymore" day. they are everywhere. i can go out today for a few hours and they will still be everywhere. ah, but we have a yard now and we didn't when someone was 35. so i think 36 is pretty good.

woo hoo. happy birthday love!


Blogger PeeKay said...

it's so cool that i skipped 10 grades to meet you in jr high. but i do wonder what its like to be so old. ha

10:28 AM

Blogger PeeKay said...

ywaH YEAH we get it - you love your children's father. now post again and tell us what you want to be when you grow up

10:13 PM

Blogger PeeKay said...

ok its been 2 weeks. can you helpa us out with a new post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10:11 AM

Blogger Unknown said...


11:27 PM


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