...for posterity's sake. i had always considered it very strange to publish your thoughts online for all to see. after all, who cares? and then, as i was feeding my daughter, i realized - she might. so, here goes...

Friday, March 31, 2006

to market, to market to buy a fat pig

some days i love the market at haymarket. fridays specifically. saturday mornings are a madhouse, not to mention, the produce has been ravaged by god knows what on friday night. right? can all those fruits and veggies sit out overnight with a blue tarp tied over them and not have rats munching on them? i really don't know but it freaks me out. although, we have gone on many a saturday morning and lived to tell the tale.

anyway, it is the best simply because i just bought 9 enormous red peppers for $3. if you are good, then you can load up weekly for practically nothing. we used to be really good at this. we'd get up at the crack of dawn on saturday morning - see, i told you we did it - and we'd wheel our little granny cart down there and fill it. then we'd get back here and have a little food processing factory. the key to the market is to do whatever it is your planning to do with your goods immediately because the stuff doesn't last very long. i used to make fruit smoothies after running - running, HA! imagine that! - so we'd clean containers of blueberries and raspberries, dry them off and package them into single serving ziplock baggies and load up the fridge.

now i pretty much only have it in me to roast peppers. so i get what seems to be an insane amount of red peppers and roast them up. not that impressive but i'm feeling pretty good that i got motivated enough to brave the masses. now i need a nap.

i forgot to mention that the WORST time to go near the market is saturday night and sunday morning when they are bulldozing the rotted crap into piles of the smelliest sludge you've ever seen. the ground is coated with a slick layer of this crap so you have to be very careful when walking through. i have never walked through on this slippery slime and not had the very vivid and detailed image of slipping and falling and then just laying there too paralyzed to move. its one of those things that i am certain will happen to me someday. it terrifies me.


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