...for posterity's sake. i had always considered it very strange to publish your thoughts online for all to see. after all, who cares? and then, as i was feeding my daughter, i realized - she might. so, here goes...

Friday, April 14, 2006

blood suckers

there is a rogue mosquito loose in this apartment. it feasted on me last night. better me than the badooga i suppose, but it sucks. my feet and ankles and forearms have a nice little smattering of bites. the worst part is that i saw it the other day buzzing around my head and tried to get her half-heartedly. now its war. i can only hope that the fact that we will be gone for a couple of days will cause her to starve.

the question is, where in the world did it come from? its too early for this. not to mention, i haven't opened any windows that don't have a good solid screen on them - sadly only 3 of the 8 windows in this place can boast a secure screen. have i mentioned that i can't wait to get out of here? anyway, i can't figure it out. also, there are about 10 mosquitoes in the city, so why is one in here?

on another note, welcome new sister blogger - blawgermom.blogspot.com - i will add the link once i figure it all out again. but - PK - your wish has been granted. she's on!


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