...for posterity's sake. i had always considered it very strange to publish your thoughts online for all to see. after all, who cares? and then, as i was feeding my daughter, i realized - she might. so, here goes...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

head trauma - take 2

as luck would have it the dissolving stitches didn't dissolve and i had the pleasure of bringing miss b to the doctor's office today for a little suture removal. it seems that she has a pretty good memory of being pinned down by her mother while a nurse holds her head and someone else comes at her with metal instruments. it was very sad to witness all over again - although thankfully it was quicker - and she was very pissed off. very pissed.

now when you say the word "boo boo" - oh its a word - this is the face you get.


Blogger agpie's mom said...

is there supposed to be a picture here? i want to see the face.
as for birthing alone... looks like you won't have to go there... 5 hrs or so left and that baby can kick right thru (you'd be so lucky).
i, on the other hand, am hoping the alien rears its head a week from saturday.

1:26 PM


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