...for posterity's sake. i had always considered it very strange to publish your thoughts online for all to see. after all, who cares? and then, as i was feeding my daughter, i realized - she might. so, here goes...

Sunday, April 30, 2006

mama scrooge

today i am once again confronted with the fact that i am a miser. and not with money. with things that i love. it took me a long time to become conscious of the fact that i would burn my yankee candle beach plum candle down only so far, or indulge in my see's toffee bar candy to a certain point, or smear my body shop mango body butter on my dry skin until there was just enough left - but i do. these aren't expensive things. these aren't even irreplaceable things. i have no idea what my problem is, but i do it. over and over. the sad thing is that the candle gets filled up with sticky dust, the toffee goes bad and the mango butter dries up. i am saving it for nothing.

so, this time i caught myself. and this time it might be one of my most irrational items ever - the pre-soaked witch hazel pads from the hospital. or tucks pads as the rest of the world knows them. as a sidenote, i did not know that this is what tucks medicated pads were, my husband had to point that one out to me. the hospital stuff that you get is all generic so i never really consider it something that i can get up the street.

anyway, i realized that i was not using these little pads - even though i really wanted to - because my supply was getting low. can you even imagine that? i can't and i'm the one doing it. at any rate, once i caught myself - and confessed to my laughing husband and mother - i started using them with impunity.

i've moved on to nursing pads now. they are $7 a box which i keep reminding myself every time i consider re-using a thrush covered pad. what's thrush you ask? oh that's another post for another day. when i have the energy.


Blogger agpie's mom said...

i knew this about you re: food. and i never understood. so i can certainly NOT understand why you would save/ reuse breat pads. this is probably why you end up with thrush. i am no "know-it-all," but i do know that moisture and yeast go hand-in-hand. once mine felt the slightest bit damp, i'd replace them.
you are mentally ill. and your mom shouldn't laugh. i think she instilled the saving thing.
ask anyone else if they tear paper towels in half before using them.

2:49 PM

Blogger mary mary said...

hahaha, i am laughing about the paper towels. of course everyone does that! but you have to admit, it must be a need since they started making half sheets.

the pads didn't feel wet so i don't really know if they were wet. they weren't obviously wet. i'm not that crazy. yet.

9:33 PM

Blogger PeeKay said...

dude! this is what costco is for. my m-i-l and sis-in-law picked up a monster box of tucks and depends for when my hospital supplies ran out. funny thing, i still had ONE pair of those sweet stretchy undies left, b/c i started supplementing with the depends and then all the bloodshed was gone and i was a miser.

7:14 PM


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