...for posterity's sake. i had always considered it very strange to publish your thoughts online for all to see. after all, who cares? and then, as i was feeding my daughter, i realized - she might. so, here goes...

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook to Childbirth: Mano a Mano

3 weeks - technically - to go and my husband is in chicago. not good. i had my doctor's appointment today and she told me that i shouldn't worry and i should make it to saturday. should? can we get a little more concrete here? oh yes, and i should NOT go to the gym until michael is back in town. i could've done without that should.

so now i am paralyzed with every kick - and there are a LOT of kicks - and movement i feel. i just tried to wash the dishes and when i was standing there the pressure was so crazy that i canned it and decided to come in here. dishes be damned. i am terrified that this is going to go down while michael is away.

i suppose i should just start thinking of the worst case scenario and deal with it. because the worst case scenario isn't THAT bad, right? i mean, let's face it, i'm doing the bulk of the work here. michael's job is to hold my leg and count to ten 3 times per contraction. other than that, i've got labor covered - assuming i'm in a hospital. and assuming there are two people available to hold my legs. the post-natal responsibilities are pretty important though so i'm not going to think about that just yet.

alright, Worst Case Scenario. here's the game plan

1. i call michael and tell him to get his butt home.
2. i call my mother to come and take care of bridget.
3. i get dropped off at the hospital by ?my mother? my father? stacey? hard to say but you aren't supposed to drive yourself so someone else needs to handle this.
4. get an epidural and take a nap until its time to push
5. have the baby

no problem. i have no idea what i was so worried about.

things i need to remember...
to tell my mother where i parked the car (moon street)
to have someone get michael from the airport and shuttle him to the hospital (his parents)

there are lots more but if i actually wrote down the level of detail of my back-up plans you would all know just how crazy i am at this point in time. i'm going to go and officially pack the hospital bags now.


Blogger Erica said...

Oh my gosh - you are making me very nervous!! Hang in there, Mary! I am sending good vibes. You can call us in an emergency also, okay?

10:11 PM


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