...for posterity's sake. i had always considered it very strange to publish your thoughts online for all to see. after all, who cares? and then, as i was feeding my daughter, i realized - she might. so, here goes...

Monday, April 16, 2007

marathon monday

we went downstairs today to find a 2 inch hole in our basement ceiling - on the finished side. its a dingy old dropped ceiling that we were going to get around to replacing eventually. e-v-e-n-t-u-a-l-l-y. but now there's a hole. dear liza a hole.

so the hole is annoying; but the real trouble is what caused the hole. some sort of animal, definitely. what kind of animal? don't know. did the animal actually fall in or have an indiana jones "that was a close one!" moment in which it was able to scramble to safety via its handy whip? michael spent his rainy patriots day off hunting - and cleaning (tee hee) - the entire basement trying to answer that very question. nothing doing though. no mouse. no chipmunk. no red squirrel (please god no). LOTS of very disgusting random things that have been here since around when the house was built. LOTS of dust animals - bunnies seem too innocent a term to cover the magnitude of these. it was so gross that i asked him to go and buy a shop-vac so as not to violate our lovable dyson. i think she will never love us like she used to. i don't blame her either.

on top of this, we are missing our first marathon in many many years. i am slightly depressed. we are out of the city for under a year and can't even manage to get in to the marathon. i love the marathon. i think i may have blathered on about it last year so i will spare you (good bloggers go back and find the old post and link to it here) i'm not sure if we would have gone to it this year even if we lived in boston because the weather was so horrible. but someone has to go cheer those crazy bastards on.

and the hole is still there. and we still don't know if we have a new family member living down there. now all we can do is plug it up, call an exterminator and hope that we don't wake to find 3 new holes.

but like agpie's mom said - country mice are nice. not like city mice.

let's hope so.


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