...for posterity's sake. i had always considered it very strange to publish your thoughts online for all to see. after all, who cares? and then, as i was feeding my daughter, i realized - she might. so, here goes...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

minor head injury wednesday

today didn't start off so well. since andrew has taken to waking up at 5:00 or so - which i might add is a HUGE improvement from 4 AM, his old standard - i will go and get him and sit him in our bed to play around while i take 5 minutes to get myself used to the idea of being awake. maybe 10. this process usually entails andrew kicking the crap out of me while i try to keep him on the bed. well, this morning i failed. i swear he was in the middle of the bed and i had my arm loosely draped around his middle but somehow he cleared half of the bed and about a foot next to the bed and leapt off. i still don't know how it happened it was all so fast. so he cried. i apologized. he forgave me and off we went downstairs to safer ground.

then at about 8 AM after i finished changing his diaper - on the floor because the changing table is just too miserable a place to contain him - he starts to crawl away. nothing out of the ordinary here except that he forgets to use his arms and face plants on the floor - the floor with no rug. i could tell he smashed his nose because he almost bounced up a little. so i pick him up and he is SCREAMING. then i look at his little nose and there is blood coming out of it. and there is a purplish line across the bridge of it. oh crap, i think, its broken. so i call the doctor's office - which isn't open until 8:30. then i call my mother to walk over to the pediatrics dept where she works and ask someone. then i call michael who tells me that he'd still be crying if it were broken. oh yeah, i forgot that i immediately gave him a bottle and he spit up a little. eek! then i go online. nothing much on babycenter for babies and broken noses - just call your doctor. gee thanks.

my mother calls back and tells me that even if it is broken, they can't do anything. so i decide to try and make sure that its straight and i pinch it a little. he doesn't even flinch so i'm pretty sure its not broken. but the line is still there.

time for a nap buddy before we really do some damage.


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